Monday, March 14, 2011

Latest on FTC Do Not Track - Why it May Impact Advertisers More Than Expected

Internet users should have control and transparent knowledge of how internet companies are using their data. Sounds good right? Sure, however this could send the traditional advertising world into a tailspin. And if you are an online content publisher who looks to make money by putting advertising on your website your game may also need to change.
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) introduced a Do Not Track legislation in 2010 that has been well publicized. In addition, each of the major Web browser vendors have come up with their own unique approach to preventing web surfing activity from being tracked.

There is another piece that happened recently. On March 4, 2011 US House Representative Cliff Stearns (R-FL) told about plans to introduce new legislation that would give users the ability to control how their info is used in advertising. The bill would go along with the FTC's own privacy agenda that addresses user tracking and the FTC would be the enforcer. "We need to place the control over consumer information with the actual consumer themselves," Stearns said recently at a panel discussion at the Technology Policy Institute. This is where you can see a link to the CSPAN video with his comments.

Stay tuned this is about to get very interesting …